In keeping with the global trends reported in this year’s survey, we see a continued pattern in the UK of procurement and supply professionals earning more with MCIPS and seeing salary as a main driving factor for changing jobs. Further details on the trends in this region are outlined below.

Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa is notable for being the highest region for salary increases (14% vs a global average of 8.0%) and for trending strongest in terms of the region’s personal and professional AI preparedness. However, it also has a higher-than-average gender pay gap, and low bonus eligibility in comparison to other regions. Further details on the trends in this region are outlined below.

South Africa

South Africa outperforms other global regions in several areas. More MCIPS professionals command higher salaries than those without MCIPS in this region than anywhere else in the world. South Africa also has the lowest reported gender pay gap and is a top performer in terms of its AI-preparedness. Further details on the trends in this region are outlined below.


MENA has the highest proportion of professionals looking to change jobs, and a similarly high proportion of employers with hiring difficulties. Another differentiating factor for the region is benefits. MENA professionals show less of a preference for working from home (the most popular benefit globally) and a greater desire for both career development and private medical insurance. Further details on the trends in this region are outlined below.


Europe’s procurement and supply salary market is characterised by a mix of talent challenges and demand for skills. Employers in the region are particularly on the lookout for those with soft skills. Distinguishing factors for this region include its lower-than-average gender pay gap and its perception that AI will reduce headcount. Further details on the trends in this region are outlined below.


The talent gap in Australia and New Zealand is severe – a staggering 79% of employers in the region say they’ve struggled with hiring and cite communication as the most in-demand skill. Professionals with MCIPS in Australia and New Zealand earn more than those without it and have a greater bonus eligibility. Further details on the trends in this region are outlined below.


Asia’s procurement and supply talent market is characterised by high demand for both talent and skills, where people move jobs either for more money or greater career progression.  Asia’s procurement and supply salary market is also notable for its proportion of employees who say they’ve received a pay rise in the last 12 months, which is higher here than elsewhere in the world. Further details on the trends in this region are outlined below.